Title Insurance and Its Importance in Real Estate Closings

Signing a home purchase contract.

For many, purchasing a home is a dream come true. You’ve done all the hard work of securing your loan and searching for the perfect home for you and your family.  All that hard work and effort deserves to be protected, and you’re probably thinking that you have that covered with your home insurance policy, […]

Choosing A Business Entity for Your Business

Small business entrepreneur at cafe entrance using digital tablet

Starting a small business can be an exciting time for new entrepreneurs. With so many choices needing to be made, it can all be a bit overwhelming. Whether it’s deciding what your business will look like or where you will work,  you shouldn’t have to worry about setting up your business structure on your own. […]

Planning for Your Future: The Importance of Estate Planning

A couple creating an estate plan

We’ve spoken about this topic in our social media, but we wanted to give you all a more in-depth view of estate planning. Estate planning: we’ve all heard it, but why does it hold such importance? If you are young, you may feel like estate planning is something you have time to think about, but […]

Common Real Estate Scams 

Whether you are buying, renting, selling, or already own your home, it’s important to stay vigilant and ensure you don’t fall victim to scams. Scammers are creative and not to be underestimated! Therefore, it’s crucial to stay informed. Real estate scams are common and can play out in several ways. Title or Deed Scams Title […]

Probate – What Is It and Why Do I Need It?

Loosely, probate just means “to prove.” In a specific sense, Probate is the legal process thatdeals with the proving of a Last Will and Testament and the administration of a deceased person’sestate. The purpose of probate is to ensure that the decedent’s assets are distributed according to theirwishes and that any outstanding debts are paid […]

Sellers’ Market?

Sellers Market?  Yes, it is! Q2 2022 Still a Seller’s Market  According to National Mortgage Professional   ATTOM recently released its second-quarter 2022 U.S. Home Sales Report, which shows that profit margins on median-priced single-family home and condo sales across the United States hit another record of 55.5%, following the largest quarterly gain in a decade. After […]

Title Theft: UPDATE

Update posted 2/14/2023 A FREE title/deed monitoring service is available now statewide in Georgia called F.A.N.S.  Their press release says: January 17, 2023  [. . . it is ] “…a free, consumer-friendly process that notifies property owners any time filings are made related to their registered property! F.A.N.S. will also notify of filing activity related […]

This Market Is On Fire!

Existing Home Sales Jump to a 14-year high, as Prices Set Another Record According to CNBC  . . . Sales of existing homes rose 2.4% to a seasonally adjusted annualized rate of 6 million units, according to the National Association of Realtors. Sales were 10.5% higher compared with August 2019. This is the highest sales […]

COVID-19 AND RON (Remote Online Notary)

Remote Online Notary (RON) is now . . . and the future. With the COVID-19 Crisis in full swing, we are getting calls and messages about remote or online closings. Virginia has been doing Remote Online Notary (RON) for a few years. Many other states have followed.COVID-19 has pushed the process of adopting RON forward […]

Is It Time For a Trade?

Section 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code lets you swap investments and delay tax consequences. Bill had a great beach property.  It had produced a nice income for years.  When foul winds blew and several years of storms started coming his way, Bill found that he had unwittingly taken on more risk than he now […]